This is kind of a new post on its own, something which I haven't done before. But I like the fact that I can reflect on what I did this time last year.

It was my dad's 59th birthday and I had to work that day, so after work I managed to go to our local Tesco and find a new range of cakes that they do and found this cookies and cream also bought a couple of candles and what do y'know my dad was out cold on the bed (sleeping). I only woke him up enough to blow the candle out then he went straight back to sleep. Oh father!!

I got up to a little bit of drawing - I was using new techniques I found on Adobe Photoshop yaay - I like experimenting and finding new ways to do my art work.
You may have seen this picture on my Instagram, I was being a bit cheeky eating a KitKat!
I'll make sure I do a post on how it turned out.
I'll make sure I do a post on how it turned out.

I was bored out of my mind so I thought I would make my parents laugh by drawing funny faces on the eggs and they didn't even realise until one of them was about to make an omelette - I'm hilarious, I know!

Here are pictures we took after we left nandos for Leonie's leaving do it was so much fun that day honestly it's great to have friends at work that you don't always get to see everyday so when we do its such a good catch up.

I have literally forgotten what this is called, but again its on my insta so just have a wonder on there and find it for yourself, I am the worst Gujarati on the planet I tell you now!! Anyway my aunt and uncle were visiting from America and they came to stay with us for a few weeks and we made this because the weather was so boom (yes slang) but honestly I love the feel of warmth from the sun hitting my skin.

So during the holidays one of my main aims was to clear absolutely everything from my room that wasn't necessary anymore and I can tell you now I got rid of so much crap and it felt so good to be in a room that was nice and clean and for everything to have an order to it again after exam season:
- donated all textbooks to my school library
- Donated four bags on clothes not needed to h&m for their concious scheme
- 5 bin liners of unwanted paper etc which went straight to recycling
- donated old toys not needed to charity
- 2 storage boxes that have been removed from my house ended up in the trash or reorganised into my new room organisation
Post about my summer of 2014
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