The Real Me


In today's society it is hard to place yourself in the world, to love youself for who you are and not who you want to be. We are told to do so many things to ourselves to make us better and to be more accepted. But we need to understand the real us and love that.

Here is my make-up free selfie (au natural), showcasing the real me, flaws and all. 

1. My acne scars
2. My natural curly hair
3. My paleness

Post your own make-up free selfie & write 3 things you love about yourself. Remember to hashtag #TheRealMe

Let's create some good vibes by encouraging self-love & positivity within the community! 💕



Education (Before Uni)




I've recently joined the site Campus Society which is a brilliant way to connect with like-minded students across the globe. You can interact with other users all over the world. 

The blogging programme just involves creating blog posts regularly on topics that interest you and that you feel will be relevant to the student user base they have on the platform. You have complete freedom in how you choose to express yourself. 

You can post directly onto the platform or you can also share the content you already have on your blog. They provide great exposure by putting you in direct contact with an engaged, friendly, and community-driven audience, as well as through the sharing of quality content on all of their external social media pages, and through direct 'Push' notifications on-site. 

#NotAd - I just know someone who works there and they got me on to join!

Following on from the footsteps of Sophia from My Little Box of Beauty, I'm going to do the #10ThingsAboutMe tag for the #NetworkNewbie comp for this week so below are some facts about me. My original list was 30 things, so I'll probably wait a while before I do this post again and again...!

1. I started blogging in 2011 (it's been a wild 6 years!)

2. My brother named me

3. I'm a girl who likes to play video games (mostly open world games)

4. My mother was born in India and my dad was born in Kenya, but I'm British born

5. I'm that girl that takes photos of everything (including posting food pics on Insta!) - I have multiple external hard drives to prove it!

6. I am obsessed with stationery, makeup and clothes!

7. I spend way too much on the above...

8. I speak two languages fluently - English and Gujarati and know Spanish at elementary proficiency. I also know the bad words in Swahili!

9. I've been stung by a jellyfish THREE times (it was a baby one, so not lethal)

10. I sincerely think I am the luckiest person alive because of the family and friends I have

Comment down below 10 Things about you and I'll check out your posts. And as always remember to follow me on my socials (links on the right) @BOLDINORIGIN

A x

Christmas Wish List 2017


ASOS Soft Backpack with Zip Detail // Waterproof toiletry organiser // The Little Book of Hygge // Pandora Snowman Charm // Pandora Present Charm // LovexStylexLife Book // Makeup Brush Bag // Alexa Chung IT book // Lush Brazened Honey Face Mask // Fujifilm Instax 20 shot film // Cup Make up Brush Holder // The Little Book of Feminism // Lush Oatifix Face Mask // SkinnyDip Tangle Teezer // Capture Your Style // Lush Catastrophe Cosmetic Face Mask // Inside Vogue // How to be Parisian book // The Little Dictionary of Fashion // Fitbit 

*Since this post went up originally I bought myself the Makeup brush cup holder, makeup brush case and a Fitbit Alta HR and a review will follow...

Despite the title of this post, I’d like to start with a caveat that I’m not under any illusions that I’ll be receiving any of these items on Christmas day. I’m very aware of my expensive taste and as such this wish list serves, if anything, as an aspirational list for myself. Things I want, and probably will buy (over time!) but certainly don’t need or expect to receive from anyone else on Christmas day.

With the disclosure now over and done with, I can carry on with the post. As you can see my taste is quite mixed, none of these things is necessary but nice to have. Every item above is self-explanatory but I'll walk you through a couple. 

I've gotten quite good at packing over the few years with my travels, and using packing cubes have been a life saver and I normally purchase mine from Amazon and I came over this toiletry organiser bag which is something I don't have at the moment and not something I need at the moment as I have no plans to travel at the moment. But who knows summer 2018 isn't far off! 

I've been wanting a new Fitbit for a while as my Fitbit Flex is having numerous issues and it's become outdated. I like keeping fit and the Fitbit has helped me so much in this instance.

I do facemasks every other day as I have dry-oily acne prone skin, therefore, I go through quite a lot of masks and need new stock plus once you've used your Lush pots you can give them back in-store and they'll give you a free fresh face mask in return with the recycling programme.

Whatever I get for Christmas I’ll be delighted. For me, I’m just excited to experience a Christmas with my lovely family, in the brisk Berkshire air. It’ll be fun to look back at this wish list next year to see what I managed to tick off throughout 2018!

What’s on your Christmas wish list?

Free Printable // Average and Awesome Motivational Poster


Hey my lovelies,

I've got another printable for you guys! Below is a little preview of what the printable looks like, you can print it and have it stuck on your bedroom wall for some motivation when you don't have any or when you feel down. Or use it as a desktop wallpaper! 

Click here to download: Average and Awesome Printable

I also make motivational murals, however, I'm trying to figure out the best way to make it digital as I make them by hand at the moment.

Let me know what you want to see from me next, I appreciate all types of feedback. And as always follow me on my socials, links on the right @BOLDINORIGIN

Weekly Spending Tracker // Free Printable


This printable is a great way to stay organised without breaking the bank. I love making printables and using them myself so why not share it with you guys.

This list is to be used to keep track of your spending habits for the week, I've also made a monthly one which I'll post later in the week. It will help to show where your money goes to most and how to cut back and save a little each week/month.

I also keep track over all my incomes and expenses once a week, normally on a Monday. Looking after money especially as a student is very important, I am financially independent - I don't take money from my parents and I rely on other sources of income.

You can download the printable here: Weekly Budget

Advice: One of the easiest ways I save money is by putting all my change that I have a jar which I don't touch and its a great way to collect them pennies - I used to do this just to have money for the car park or the laundry machine at university but it soon came to be a money heave!

Make sure to follow me on my socials and I'll follow back! If you use any of my printables be sure to use the #BoldInOrigin so I can see and like!

A x

Revision Checklist - Free Study Printable


I think the easiest stuff to post on the blog right now is printables mainly because I make them for myself anyway and it's great to share them with you so that you benefit from them too! And secondly, it saves time as I am in my last year and the hardest year at university and I'm not going to lie it's not easy juggling everything.

The checklist is split into 12 rows for a 12-week term, and four columns - one for a topic title, and the next three for checking off that you have checked your work for after class/week/month.

You access the PDF to download for free here: Revision Checklist

After class - you should look over the notes you made in class that day, make sure all your notes are there, your reading and seminar notes as well. Everything is formatted and easy to read for when you overview it later.

After one week - you should look over your notes and start to break down the information into smaller chunks as this will help for revising for later. Abbreviate and use shorthand.

After one month - you should now know your assessments and use the notes you made beforehand to help with this. Also, start adding in extra and secondary readings and extra research around the topics. This should also be able to fit onto a page or two. Short and sweet which will be easier to remember.


As always follow me on my socials and I'll follow back and tag me in any of my printables that you use! Ax

Term Overview - Free Study Printable


Hello all,

I am back with another random post, I'm sorry I don't post as often as I would like or am 'supposed' to, but I don't have much motivation to post as of late. But I thought as term has just started a couple weeks ago, I thought I would share with you some study printables I created for myself  and that you may benefit from them too.

The term overview is split into three columns to list your modules or classes for the term then, split into 12 week rows. You can fill it out however you like, I've used to to list all my primary readings I need to do for this term. I am only currently doing three modules this term excluding my dissertation.

You can download the printable here for free: Term Overview

Let me know what you want to see from me next! As always follow me on my socials, link in the right hand bar and tag me if your using any my printables :D


Resource Library


'Do It Now!' - Printable

Hey, I am slowly getting back into the rhythm of posting again (yay), I have another motivational printable for you guys!

This printable looks good printed in either black and white or full colour, it's available on the link below to download and print for free!

You can access the printable here: 'Do It Now!'

I've got a couple of motivational poster printables coming out over the next few weeks so stay tuned. You can keep up to date with the ongoings of this blog if you follow me on Twitter @ Boldinorigin and make sure to follow me on my social medias - links on the right-hand bar.

A x

University Checklist // Free Printable


So you've just gotten your A-Level results and now have a place at university and for some of you, you may move into halls/shared accommodation for most of your time at university. For many students university packing is quite a stressful task, and when it came to packing for my first year at uni many moons ago I packed everything I could find in my room finding out a little too late that not everything would fit in the car and had to make multiple trips oops! So I thought I would share with you my top tips and a full packing list I produced for self-catering and fully-catered accommodation. 

Below I have included the link where you can download and print for free a university packing checklist to help with your packing needs and take with you to university.
 You can download the checklist here!

Remember to also follow me on Instagram and Twitter @BOLDINORIGIN and use the hashtag #BOLDINORIGIN to share you using the printable and I can like and share your socials myself! You can also pin the above to images on Pinterest!


'Stay Cool' Motivational Poster - Printable


Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've been in a funk for a while and hopefully I get out of it soon but I thought why not start out by doing some simple posts.

I've wanted to create printables for a while so here's my first one for you! There will be more to come, I promise! 

You can access the printable here: Stay Cool Motivational Poster 

My Trip to Mallorca 2017


Hey guys,

Here is a little summary of my trip to Alcudia in Mallorca which is one of Spain's Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, it's quite brief mentioning highlights from my trip and how much everything cost. I always try to holiday on a relatively small budget. I am also going to attempt to do a vlog on my YouTube channel so you can get more of an idea of what it is really like there. Make sure you check out my Instagram to keep up with the latest photos I took of my trip and as always keep up to date by following me on Twitter for any updates on the blog! - @BoldInOrigin.

Moon gazing - note my wild free mane

Sunset on our second day in Alcudia, the view from the pier
Alcudia beach - high tides and good vibes!

View from Fedra 1 Apartment complex - great view, terrible apartment

Bellvue Club Hotel and Resort - Minerva 1 Complex

Cheap cocktails at a nearby hotel and bar - 4.50 euros each! They also had entertainment going on.

Career Posts


Transferable Skills

Transferable skills in practice

How to use LinkedIn

Top tips for interning

Lunching in London

What's in my part-time work bag?

Presentational skills

Job interview dos and don'ts

What to wear to a job interview

What to wear to work

Placement and my experience

Work makeup

Things I've learnt while working in retail


Resources for finding a job

What I eat at work

What's in my full-time work bag?

*Royalty Free image courtesy of Pixabay

Employability Day 2017 with Brenda Finn

As you know I am currently on a placement with the charity called Changing Faces, we have created a video for Employability Day, the second ever of its kind.

Employability Day is a day for the whole employment support sector encourages all types of organisations to open its doors to people for workshops etc.

I thought I would do my bit by helping by interviewing Brenda Finn, one of Changing Faces Media Champions about her career as a child's entertainer.

Thanks to the great teamwork with Phyll and Brenda by producing an amazing video. I hope this helps those of you who may have a visible difference and are worried about being discriminated in the workplace. Never let discrimination keep you from doing something you love and know your rights. Discrimination = hate crime (illegal).

Follow Brenda @brendafinn_
Follow Changing Faces @changingfacesuk

*This video is by no means sponsored, endorsed etc. I am just proud of taking part in something creative for a great cause.

A post shared by Changing Faces (@changingfacesuk) on

I am also posting a collection of career posts later today that can hopefully help in your quest for employability! (We filmed this before I left for the airport that's why I look all fancy and frazzled!)

Restaurant/Food Guide










Other Occasions

Product Reviews








Travel Posts

England, UK


Amsterdam, Netherlands

Majorca, Balearic Islands
Mallorca 2017
Video I Mallorca 2017

Rome, Italy
Paris, France

North America

Chicago, USA
Toronto, CA
