Employability Day 2017 with Brenda Finn


As you know I am currently on a placement with the charity called Changing Faces, we have created a video for Employability Day, the second ever of its kind.

Employability Day is a day for the whole employment support sector encourages all types of organisations to open its doors to people for workshops etc.

I thought I would do my bit by helping by interviewing Brenda Finn, one of Changing Faces Media Champions about her career as a child's entertainer.

Thanks to the great teamwork with Phyll and Brenda by producing an amazing video. I hope this helps those of you who may have a visible difference and are worried about being discriminated in the workplace. Never let discrimination keep you from doing something you love and know your rights. Discrimination = hate crime (illegal).

Follow Brenda @brendafinn_
Follow Changing Faces @changingfacesuk

*This video is by no means sponsored, endorsed etc. I am just proud of taking part in something creative for a great cause.

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I am also posting a collection of career posts later today that can hopefully help in your quest for employability! (We filmed this before I left for the airport that's why I look all fancy and frazzled!)

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