What I Got For My Birthday 2018!


My birthday was last week and I turned 22, wooo! And I made it without making a Taylor Swift reference. I was very spoilt by everyone, so I wanted to show you some of the things I got which I'm very excited about. I love all my gifts, I'm a lucky girl. It always leaves my family and friends wondering what to get me when Christmas and my birthday is a month apart. I'll be writing a separate post on what I got up to on my birthday. 


Being back at university with my mate's means nights in and watching girly films. One of my all-time favourite chick flicks is Bridget Jones, I'm so glad I have this on DVD because it's not on Netflix (how annoying) but it came with a digital download so I can watch anywhere anytime. I also got this silver diamonte ring because I recently lost one of my other favourite rings so I got this to replace it and I love it. Although sadly, because of the make of the ring, three diamantes have already fallen out so I'm thinking of getting a chain and wearing it around my neck or keeping it as a trinket instead.

Smells amazing and fills the whole room of this fruity floral scent. Really reminds me of a sunset and I have no idea how, but you really can get a sunset in a jar! I love candles they make a room instantly more cosy and I use them up so much even though at university you're not actually allowed to have them as a fire safety rule! #rebel

Getting this was a complete surprise as I didn't even hint on wanting this, but my great friends that they are could probably see that I didn't have a proper eyeshadow palette that had the necessary colours I needed, I have way too many shimmers and colours that can only be used for dress up! A good makeup palette is never going to go unappreciated by me! They also gave me this unbelievably soft Morphe Y15 brush, my sister was very confused why I have so many brushes already but I don't care you can never have too many brushes!


This was something I wanted recently as I broke one of my perfume bottles and so wanted something I could use to travel around with and use with any perfume. My sister and her husband got me this Penhaligon's travel perfume atomizer and it is honestly one of the best things I own, it's so good as you can pump any fragrance into it, even mix it up by using two or three! Came in a lovely box and was wrapped in their signature perfumed wrapping paper which smelt amazing. Definitely recommend purchasing one of these, you can find cheaper versions on Amazon. It's great to just have to throw in your bag and have on the go.


My brother and his wife got me this personalized scrabble frame which is one of the coolest things ever, I love personalized gifts and they are the best at giving them. In the past I have gotten key rings and mugs with my name on it - ace! It features me and their two adorable children and now has a permanent place in my heart and on my dresser.

I met up with my best friend at Heathrow airport just before she was to depart for her flight, she had a 4-5 hour wait and Heathrow is only a short bus ride away for me and she gave me a lovely card and some delicious locally made chocolate. She knows just how to get me with my sweet tooth, it's a great snack when studying.


My best friend from my former work place bought me a set of lovely earrings which has a Nordic/Greek-esque feel to it which I love and she also got me a jewellery organizer to put on top of my dresser as I have quite a bit of jewellery and having this organizer will remind me to wear it. She also remembered to get it in sterling silver as I have a weird reaction to other metals - what a great friend!

Along with all these goodies, I got some Gujarati snacks and some moolah - which are always a great pressie!
Another year older, and (hopefully) another year wiser! 
Until next time...
A x

1 comment

  1. It is so handy and never leaks! Thanks for the comment x
