I actually got this product a while ago and some of you could probably tell since I believe they don't sell it any more. But, this post has been lying under my drafts tab for a while so I thought it was time for it to be public. I got this eye-liner at a graduates designers exhibition believe it or not, this was one of those things they were giving away to entice you to talk to them and get to know the real product that was on offer for sale, which I wasn't interested in, sorry.
This eyeliner is by Seventeen, a 3-way liquid eyeliner called Doll'd Up. It has a three point nib for a simple dotting technique for creating a natural lash line. You can check out some tutorials on the Boots website here. Because you are dotting the liquid across your lash line this makes it a lot easier than drawing a straight line across and saves a lot of time for application.

This is a great first liquid eyeliner to use for beginners as it teachers you how to make a nice simple liquid line on your lash line without going to over board and you can wear during the day and the evening. You can build it up or make a very thin line to make your eye shape look feline. The only thing I didn't like was that it dried up very quickly and one time by mistake I left it without the lid on and all the liquid tried up so it ended up in the bin and couldn't find another on the high street :(
Too Faced has their own version of this called the 3* Way Lash Lining Tool, available here.
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