University Hacks


When you start university, it is a whole different playing field from secondary school and college/6th form. University has much higher standards and want so much more out of you, and that should be expected, after all you pay £9K to do the degree you want to do. 
Want is a very important word - what is the point of spending all your time and effort doing something you don't love? You will never get fulfilment from it later on in life and you won't especially have a passion for it.

Any how my point being is that at university you're on your own when coming to essay writing and learning how to be independent. But that doesn't mean you can't ask for help even though you're not being spoon fed information. I have listed below a couple of links that would help with things such as essay writing and tips on how to live at university independently. Have a look below!

Use a grammar checker, Grammarly is one of the best tools I have come across to check sentence structure and spelling. It is x10 better than word spell check!: 

Use a plagiarism checker to make sure that you haven't copied other peoples work even if you didn't realise it, you never know what might pop up as copied or what you haven't referenced properly in your essay: 

Brunel ASK Service is for the students from my university but the resources they provide applies to all students and I believe are free for all to use:

If you're finding it hard to reference, try this Harvard Referencing Generator all you need to do is input the details of what you're referencing and the generator will give you a bibliography and citations:

My 8 Top Tips on how to start revising:

My 27 Things to know for/before and starting university:

Hope this helps


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