Hello dear readers,
You may be wondering why I am writing about corn caps from my usual foodie or going out posts, well I am here to write about everything and I mean everything that I experience because what is the point in have 20 posts on 'what is in my handbag' when people need the information that most are trying to hide. So today I am going to write about my feet and my experience with two brands of salicylic acid corn removal plasters because there is not joy in painful ugly corns on your feet.

I bought two different brands: Carnation Footcare and Scholl
What are corns? According to the NHS website 'corns are areas of hard, thickened skin that develop when the skin is exposed to excessive pressure or friction. They commonly occur on the feet and cause pain and discomfort when you walk'. I got corns because I wore tight shoes, I mean it's not my fault my feet are wide and flat and the majority of shoes out there are not designed around my foot type. I have had corns on two of my toes (right one in before the pinky toe on each foot) since I started secondary school and they don't disappear till you do something about it and I finally did at the age of 20.
I started to use the Scholl first on my toes and what really annoyed me was the fact that the packaging did not state how long I was to leave the plaster on, in comparison to the Carnation packaging which told me to leave it on for two days per cap. The packaging stated what the cap does and the ingredients and whether or not if you should really use it on your toes.
After I took off my final corn cap, my toe's area was yellow because of the acid but I didn't understand how it's supposed to be removed - was I to keep using the caps until it came off with the plaster, drop off or was I to use a scalpel and remove it myself? I did the latter. I bought a corn remover knife from Superdrug for £2.99 excluding 10% student discount, I removed it while having a shower so that the skin was soft enough to remove. Keep removing layers until you see the normal soft skin which is pink, my toes are healing up and there is a little scab now, but if you are going to try this and do since it works and now my toes are soft. Make sure you moisturise and keep those pretty toes safe as you don't want to get those nasty corns back.
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